A z i e n d a
Since my childhood, I would follow my father who used to work for many years as a cellarman in a Montalcino winery.
Later, at the age of fourteen I started to work. I started my agricultural experience in the vineyard, learning to know the vines and their vegetative cycle. I learnt how to cure them, prune them and how to do grafts.
I believe in Brunello di Montalcino and in the unique characteristics that the Sangiovese cultivated in these lands can produce.
The Cava d’Onice company is run solely by me and my family.
My wines must be the pure expression of the territory, in which they are born.
How it all started
O u r s t o r y

In the early 80s my father, Valter Nannetti, bought the farm “Colombaio” that included about 2000 square meters of vineyard. Ten years later, the renovation of the farmhouse began and, subsequently, we started, together, the preparation of the vineyard, then registered as to Brunello di Montalcino in 1995.
During his life, my father worked for a historic winery in Montalcino, carrying out the functions of winemaker and cellar man. It was on these occasions that I appreciated and became passionate, about the world of wine, beginning to collaborate with important companies of the territory.
The growth of the company has been clearly visible over the years, To think that everything started with a single vineyard (the Colombaio) and a total production of only 266 bottles. Although the vineyard had been increased by about 3000 square meters, allowing for the production in 1997 of Rosso di Montalcino DOC and in 2000 with Brunello di Montalcino DOCG, the numbers could not compete with other existing companies in the area. Precisely because it was the first production, our will was to number every single bottle by hand, so as to make the starting point unique and precious.
Despite the hard work, our passion for wine and the desire to create something we could call ours have never left, so in 2005, my wife and I rented a small vineyard and embarked on our journey. This was the beginning of the production of the new Brunello, known as Cava d’Onice, alongside the already existing Brunello di Montalcino Colombaio.
The new name is a tribute to the onyx quarry of Etruscan age, located in Castelnuovo dell’Abate. Our emblem is represented by the two letters N and L (the initials of our surnames Nannetti and Lopez). They are reproduced through a composition of small stylized chisels that refer to the idea of works inside the quarry.
The first vineyard, as well as the cellar, belonging to my family since its origins, is located 1 km from the town walls. The other vineyards that form our Brunello Cava d’Onice instead, can be found distributed throughout the Ilchinese area.
The most important vineyards are near the Basilica dell’Osservanza, adjacent to some wineries that have made the history and the fortune of Brunello di Montalcino, which overlook the beautiful valley of the lower Val d’Orcia.
How it all started
L a n o s t r a s t o r i a

I t a l y ' s M o s t R e c o g n i z e d W i n e r y

crafts people
M e e t O u r K e y P e o p l e

Bruno Rossi
Founder & Owner

Fillipe Moratti
Executive Director

Agatha Rossi
Senior Winemaker

Ella Campo
Viticulture Manager
O v e r F i v e D e c a d e s o f H i s t o r y

The Beginning
Building the Winery

late 70-ies
New Sorts in the Vineyard
First Art Events

New Sorts in Vineyards
First Art Events

M i n d f u l n e s s o f t h e E n v i r o n m e n t

As part of the agricultural industry, we fully depend on our surrounding, just as it depends on us. That’s why we grow our produce organically and sustainably. Over the past decades the carbon footprint of the winery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of.

As part of the agricultural industry, we fully depend on our surrounding, just as it depends on us. That’s why we grow our produce organically and sustainably. Over the past decades the carbon footprint of the winery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of.